HSW Player Notes

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Following the Vanadium Mines, we change the diary format to combine notes and diary. The entries below are for adventures up to and including the end of the Vanadium Mines (Episode 14). Each entry corresponds to one SAGA session. We give the SAGA date at the beginning of the session, and the real-world date of the session itself. Julian owns Hocus, Chris owns Wicklow, Matt owns Scythe, and Kirsten owns Jack. Kevan the dramaturgist owns all other characters, but Kirsten plays Martha and Chris plays Bonita. When Scythe plays a part in the adventure, but Matt is not around, someone else volunteers to play Scythe.

22nd November 2478

  1. Attendance: 23-AUG-13, Julian by Skype, Kirsten, Chris, and Kevan, 62 Dalton.
  2. Larkin mine operational.

21st November 2478

  1. Attendance: 16-MAY-13, Julian, Kirsten, Chris, and Kevan, 62 Dalton.
  2. Award 11 kxp each to Hocus, Wicklow, Martha, and Jack. Galoopius bought the mine for $1M. It is now worth $10M, and GMI gets a 52% share for $520k, which is a profit of around $470k, divided by four is around $11k, which is basis for $11kxp.
  3. GMI must pay this $520k from a bank account or in cash from the cash box.

21st November 2478

  1. Attendance: 24-APR-13, Julian, Kirsten, Chris, and Kevan, 62 Dalton.

21st November 2478

  1. Attendance: 13-MAR-13, Julian, Kirsten, Chris, and Kevan, 62 Dalton.

19th November 2478

  1. Attendance: 02-JAN-13, Julian, Kirsten, Chris, and Kevan, 62 Dalton.
  2. David Bradford due to talk to Candor Bowles at 9 am today.
  3. Full moon on 8th of November. New moon on 22nd November.

18th November 2478

  1. Attendance: 31-OCT-12, Julian, Kirsten, Chris, and Kevan, 62 Dalton.
  2. Have yet to do expenses, perhaps at end of Patronite adventure.
  3. Game start: 12 am on 18th November. Word is that the Duchess is dead. The Royal Guard are all locked up in the basement.
  4. David Bradford due to talk to Candor Bowles at 3 pm today.
  5. Award experience and restore dp.

17th November 2478

  1. Attendance: 31-JUL-12, Calvin, Emmett, Julian, Kirsten, Chris, and Kevan, 62 Dalton.
  2. Boys played the Royal Guards.

17th November 2478

  1. Attendance: 10-JUL-12, Calvin, Emmett, Alice, Julian, Kirsten, Chris, and Kevan, 62 Dalton.
  2. Children played the Royal Guards.

17th November 2478

  1. Attendance: 14-MAR-12, Julian, Kirsten, Chris, and Kevan, 62 Dalton.
  2. David Bradford talks about Candor Bowles.
  3. Game time 8 pm to 10 pm.

17th November 2478

  1. Attendance: 18-JAN-12, Julian, Kirsten, Chris, and Kevan, 62 Dalton.
  2. Hocus and Martha escape from a squad of guards with spells alone and no injury.

15th November 2478

  1. Attendance: 29-DEC-11, Julian, Kirsten, Chris, and Kevan, 62 Dalton.

12th November 2478

  1. Attendance: 11-NOV-11, Julian, Kirsten, Chris, and Kevan, 62 Dalton.
  2. Amaethon calls off sale of temple plot.
  3. Hocus takes kobols to Larkin Mine. Others ride to Mittlemarch.

11th November 2478

  1. Attendance: 14-SEP-11, Julian, Kirsten, Chris, and Kevan, 62 Dalton.
  2. Nicholas Hingelby played by Chris, Larsen Kabal by Kevan.
  3. The six kobolds. Kobolds live to around 30, or 33 if they are allowed to retire to an inactive life for the last three years. We have a scene with Tak (Male 23), the sergeant, several with Bum (Female 11), one with Nib (Female 10). Bum is the most intelligent and inquisitive. She is also the most perfect and beautiful of the six kobolds in her features. Nib is the most formal and obedient to the sergeant. Her posture and movements are distinctive and graceful. The third female is Bin (14). She is the one that the three male kobolds appear to favor. Her movements are less economical, her tail is thicker at the base, and her scales are dark, almost black in places. She is strong and tough and brave. Lad (Male 27) is the oldest. He has only a few more years of working life left to him. By his nature, he hardly talks, and it's not clear to the sapiens that he can speak Latin, although he may be able to understand it. His ability to hide, however, is unserpassed. His skin is colored irregularly green and brown in summer, and in winder it changes color, acquiring a sheen that makes it look grey. When he hides, he holds his hands ane body in a posture that conforms to his cover. He is flexible and lean and strong. Pod (Male 9) is the youngest and newest member of the group. He is the best shot with a bow, speaks good Latin, and comes from a good family. He is Tak's cousin's son, and Tak hopes he will take Tak's place in seven years when Tak's health fails him. Pod is keen, but often distracted and out of line or position, and can sometimes act rashly upon his own volition in an effort to do something heroic. Pod's first mission was for GMI in the Trukulent Mountains. The kobolds usually work in pairs. These days, each pair has a single space bridge to Hocus.

11th November 2478

  1. Attendance: 17-AUG-11, Julian, Kirsten, Chris, and Kevan, 62 Dalton.
  2. Capture the assassin, but did not award experience during session. Also, notice that character sheets are not up to date with adventurer level, so must take care of this next time.

29th October 2478

  1. Attendance: 09-AUG-11, Julian, Kirsten, Chris, and Kevan, 62 Dalton.

28th October 2478

  1. Attendance: 28-APR-11, Julian, Kirsten, Chris, and Kevan, 62 Dalton.
  2. For the first time, we calculate the strength of a bridge's magnetic field if we treat it as a magnetic monopole, and assume its monopole strength is proportional to its circumference, as we now describe in detail here.

27th October 2478

  1. Attendance: 16-MAR-11, Julian, Kirsten, Chris, Alex Asen, and Kevan, 62 Dalton.
  2. Alex plays Onkian Goldman.
  3. Idea: stethescope for listening to bridges.

25th October 2478

  1. Attendance: 02-MAR-11, Julian, Kirsten, Chris, and Kevan, 62 Dalton.

21st October 2478

  1. Attendance: 16-JAN-11, Julian, Kirsten, Chris, and Kevan, 466 Mass Ave.
  2. First game in Julian's new house with his wife.
  3. Possessed creatures can dodge blows with help of possessor: 2 dp from possessor to dodge 1 dp.
  4. Hocus can now understand human speech through ratty's ears, and read through ratty's eyes.

20th October 2478

  1. Attendance: 01-DEC-10, Julian, Kirsten, Chris, and Kevan, 62 Dalton Rd.
  2. Kevan was not feeling well, so session ended prematurely. But players talked on for a couple of hours.

16th October 2478

  1. Attendance: 22-SEP-10, Julian, Kirsten, Chris, and Kevan, 62 Dalton Rd.
  2. Notes for this session are on two sheets of paper because notebook was left behind in England on a trip.

26th September 2478

  1. Attendance: 31-AUG-10, Julian, Kirsten, Chris, and Kevan, 62 Dalton Rd.

22nd September 2478

  1. Attendance: 18-AUG-10, Julian, Kirsten, Chris, and Kevan, 97 Boylston Rd (Chris's House).

18th September 2478

  1. Attendance: 14-APR-10, Julian, Kirsten, Chris, and Kevan, 62 Dalton Rd.
  2. Beards: Jack clean-shaven, Hocus pointy goatee, reddish beard for Wicklow.
  3. Language: Varayan is Old Weilandic, the language spoken in the Weilandic empire just before the Dark Ages. When the Weilandic Empire collapsed, Varay regained its independence and defended itself against the orcs, so preserved Old Weilandic, while Weiland itself was over-run and enslaved, so that their language evolved and incorporated terms from orcish. Weilandic is like modern English. Varayan is like Old English.
  4. Kobold Village: Loose Lips will be transporting the kobolds from the kobold village to Plantinak 20 at a time with the help of a tent on the main deck. Dreadmanifold has agreed to pay $1M to transport all 200 of them. Each trip will take ten days there and back, so that's 100 days of sailing between September and December.

17th September 2478

  1. Attendance: 26-JAN-10, Julian, Kirsten, Chris, and Kevan, 62 Dalton Rd.
  2. What level spell required to make thruster bench and ropes?
  3. All should learn to use circle spell cast by Hocus.
  4. Which characters have beards?
  5. How fast can Hocus empty the mine of water with a bridge? 10 years mining, V = 20,000 m3. Depth 15 m, 3 shafts of 5 m. Pressure at 5 m is p = 50 kPa. If Hocus makes a bridge of area A and drops it to the bottom of a shaft, then places the other half at the same altitude in free air beside the hill, the force upon the water column above the bridge will be Ap. If this column has height h, its mass will be Ahρ, where ρ is 1000 kg/m3. For this column to pass through the bridge in one second it needs to accelerate to h meters per second. But we have Newton's Second Law: rate of change of momentum is equal to force. We have Ahρh/(1 s) = Aph = √(p/ρ) = 7 m, so the absolute maximum water flow through a bridge with area 100 cm2 would be 70 kg/s. In the game we estimated 100 kg/s. To account for viscocity, let's say 50 kg/s, so the mine will take four days to empty with Hocus's single bridge.
  6. How fast does water leak into the mine? Must be less than the 10 kg/s pumping rate, so suggest 5 kg/s, in which case the pumps have 5 kg/s excess capacity to pump out the filled-up mine, which will take 50 days.

13th September 2478

  1. Attendance: 29-DEC-09, Julian, Kirsten, Chris, and Kevan, 62 Dalton Rd.
  2. Used one-sided normal distribution for walking distance of horses.
  3. Want to arrange interviews with police who investigated murders of miners, with reverend David Bradford, with some of the earls who own mines, and with Lord Chancellor.

13th July 2478

  1. Attendance: 7-DEC-09, Julian, Kirsten, Chris, and Kevan, 62 Dalton Rd.
  2. For mines, calculate $50 cost of extraction of 1 kg patronite, which is labor of one hour. Annual cost of Larkin mine is $1M, or 20,000 kg, roughly 10 man years. 1 carpenter, 1 foreman, 10 miners. 100 kg/day for 200 days is 20,000 kg patronite. Sedimentary rock contains ore. Sedimentary rock in foothills of harder mountains. A miner cuts out and removes one cubic meter of rock per day, or 2000 kg. For ten miners we have 20,000 kg of rock per day, to yield 100 kg of patronite. So the patronite is 1 kg per 200 kg of rock.
  3. Buy armor for 2664 gp.
  4. Hocus can make ropes and bench for thruster using a spell, but did not determine level of spell.

21st June 2478

  1. Attendance: 21-OCT-09, Julian, Kirsten, Chris, and Kevan, 62 Dalton Rd.
  2. Order armor for Wicklow (+3 ring), Heraklese (+3 light ring), Jack (+3 scale), Martha (+3 light ring).
  3. Adventuring Wizard magazine has a continent-wide circulation of around 10,000. There is one issue per month. Most of the 2,000 wizards on the continent subscribe for $10 per month plus postage, which might be another $10. Revenue from subscription is $100k per month, but advertizing brings in another $100k, making $200k. Martha has been supplying one of the three top stories for the past eight months, 2000 words for each issue. She has received $10k for each story. She now receives her back pay into her Olympian account: 800 gp.

1st June 2478

  1. Attendance: 21-AUG-09, Julian, Kirsten, Chris, and Kevan, 62 Dalton Rd.

22nd April 2478

  1. Attendance: 29-JUL-09, Julian, Kirsten, Chris, and Kevan, 97 Boylston Rd (Chris's House).
  2. Add a new worksheet to GMI Accounts. The old worksheet is dated APR_2478 and covers up to 4-APR-2478.
  3. Sallina and Garibaldi buy Scythe out of GMI on 24th April. They pay 4 kgp by bank transfer for 26% between them.
  4. Grellian's employer pays 2.5kgp on 24-APR, transfer marked City of Mizzen.
  5. Dreadmanifold pays 3kgp on 29-MAY.
  6. Pay all salaries up to 1-JUN.
  7. Set sail for Dakka. Have arranged to rent a house.

21st April 2478

  1. Attendance: 01-JUN-09, Julian, Kirsten, Chris, and Kevan, 62 Dalton Rd.
  2. On 22nd April, Loose Lips arrives in Mizzen. On this same day, Jack and Wicklow depart with the exiled orcs from Tankum island in two frigates.
  3. The encounter with Crondite and the mermaids of Mickelmas Island was a 1-in-10 wandering monster. We rolled a 1.

20th April 2478

  1. Attendance: 17-APR-09, Julian, Kirsten, Chris, and Kevan, 62 Dalton Rd.
  2. A creature falling 10 m in gravity 10 m/s/s suffers 20 hp damage. Damage is proportional to impact energy. One hit point of damage is caused by each 250 J of impact entegy. Thus an adult sapien of mass 50 kg, falling 10 m in 10 m/s/s hits the ground with kinetic energy 5 kJ and suffers 20 hp of damage. But Stephanix the demon with 70 kg jumping off a 20-m tower would hit the ground with 14 kJ of kinetic energy, and so suffer 56 hp of damage, which would be tolerable compared to his 400 hp total.
  3. Flash does not affect demons.
  4. Hocus's bench has space for four people at a squeeze, and it's thruster has two sets of rings, one for a 2000 N thrust and another for 4000 N. The third level Thruster spell can provide either of these thrusts, depending upon the exact variant, with longevity 8 and 4 hours respectively.
  5. On 20th April, Jack, Wicklow, Quahiri, and Jezel arrive at Tankum Island.
  6. Variant: To incorporate and existing space bridge into your spell, and so apply the spell to the remote half of this bridge, add 2 to level.
  7. Hold Portal, first level spell uses a bridge ring to make 10 m × 10 m × 0.1 m conjured rubber seal over a door. Level 3 version is Targeting Hold Portal. It's this one that Hocus uses in the rescue.

11th April 2478

  1. Attendance: 12-APR-09, Julian, Kirsten, Chris, and Kevan, 62 Dalton Rd.
  2. Buy 100 gp worth of rough diamonds from each of three traders (Menati, Katina, and Rakkat). Sallina is in charge of purchasing, but is accompanied by Heraklese and Martha. Cut them with space bridges to examine the insides. One in ten diamonds are under-valued, according to Sallina. Go back and start buying a total of 900 gp worth of diamonds from each trader. On 20 th Apri, these purchases are complete. We rolled for profit that GMI will make when sellingin Cloghlogan: 28%. Have spent a total of 3000 gp.
  3. There will be a half-moon on the night of the 20th of April, setting at midnight.

10th April 2478

  1. Attendance: 18-FEB-09, Julian, Kirsten, Kevan in person, Chris by telephone, 62 Dalton Rd
  2. Hocus is going to try to use Possess on a rat. Dramaturgist deems that Julian must answer all questions required by Possess in order to use it next session.

9th April 2478

  1. Attendance: 08-JAN-09 Chris, Kirsten, Julian, Kevan, 62 Dalton Rd.
  2. Sun goes down just after "twelve bells", where each bell is an hour after dawn, or 6:15 pm.
  3. The moon was full on 29th March and is now 11 days past full, so when our heroes emerge from the fort after dinner at 8:30 pm, the sky is filled with stars. The waning moon will rise a couple of hours after dawn.

8th April 2478

  1. Attendance: 04-SEP-08 Chris, Kirsten, Kevan, 62 Dalton Rd.
  2. Continue Plantinak plot after lunch with Duke on 2nd April.
  3. Concerned about sea-sickness. There is a plant, designed by the gods at some point, whose leaves contain a chemical called dimenhydrinate, which is effective at alleviating orc sea-sickness. Suggest name assios for this plant (Alleviates Sea Sickness In Orcs and Sapiens). It's a low-lying plant with green leaves that is not hardy enough to grow in the wild. Tea made from its leaves is good for stopping sea-sickness. A single dose of 25 mg of dimenhydrinate costs $10 when summoned as a capsule from Olympia or from a drug store in Pakesh as a pill.
  4. Propose that while sailing on a Frigate in the Satian Sea in fair weather, 10% of sapiens get sick and stay sick, 30% get sick and recover after a week, and 60% get sick only in foul weather. Propose that under the same circumstances, 10% of orcs get so sick they are in danger of dehydration, 80% get sick and stay sick, 8% get sick but recover after a week, and 2% don't get sick except in foul weather.
  5. The Surprize, with two lower decks and a hold, is 7 meters from keel to main deck. The two lower decks have ceilings 1.8 m high. Each sailor gets two square meters.

8th April 2478

  1. Attendance: 30-JUL-08 Chris, Kirsten, Julian, Kevan, 62 Dalton Rd.
  2. Loose Lips arrives in Magabe and meets merchants.

7th April 2478

  1. Attendance: 12-JUN-08 Chris, Kirsten, Julian, Kevan, 62 Dalton Rd.
  2. Calculated how likely it would be that poles and pull-ropes could get the boat off the sand bar. Loos Lips's draft is 2 m when empty, displacing 50 m3 of water to support its 50-ton weight. With 25 tons of water on board, the ship rides half a meter lower in the water. The main deck is now one and a half meters above the water-line. The keel is 4 m below the main deck. The ship is 15 m long and four meters wide at the center. We rolled a 1d100 to determine the number of centimeters the water must rise to set the ship free: 86 cm. The tide is going to rise another 20 cm by high-tide at 5 pm. The coefficient of friction between wood and sand is roughly 0.3. Because the ship will be 66 cm from floating, the sand will be supporting roughly 6 tons and a 1.5-ton force will be needed to shift it. The sand is inclined at 1/15 (4°) to the horizontal, the 6 ton force on the sand already produces a sliding component of 0.4 tons. So the crew need to produce a 1-ton force to shift the boat off the beach. This they do in the manner described in the diary.
  3. Loose Lips keeps its rowboat stashed upside down on deck.
  4. Award XP to group in spirit, thus giving back dps, but don't calculate number of xps yet until the Magabe mission is accomplished.

7th April 2478

  1. Attendance: 06-MAY-08 Chris, Kirsten, Julian, Kevan, 62 Dalton Rd
  2. Alice was our only child this night, and fell asleep on Kirsten's lap listening to us play the game.
  3. Loose Lips does not appear to have a store of javelins or spears, both of which would have been useful against the lampray incubi.
  4. Decide that the Satian Sea tide is so divorced from the moon phase, because of channels and the separation from the main ocean, like the tide of the Medditerranean, that we will just roll it randomly in each new place. The height of the tide will be 10D10 cm. The phase will be 1d12, with 1 being low-tide and 6 being high-tide. Today we rolled 60 cm and two hours before high tide. So the water will rise another 20 cm from 3 pm, when Loose Lips reaches the beach, and 5 pm, when she hopes to get off.

3rd April 2478

  1. Attendance: 16-APR-08 Chris, Kirsten, Julian, Kevan, 62 Dalton Road
  2. Decide: Wizard schools offer Rattikit classes and provide real demons totalk to.
  3. Note: There's an annual convention of wizards in Belgorash, Dakka,attended by most court wizards in the Satian Sea area.
  4. Note: Privacy is highly valued by individuals and couples on a boat, but can rarely be had. So most sailors are eager to get off the boat as soon as it comes to shore, and find themselves some privacy in a hotel. The desire for privacy is so strong in Jessica and Stanley that they brave the streets of Mizzen to stay in a hotel.
  5. Grellian Ptumash hires GMI on behalf of her anonymous employer to go and rescue the mayor's daughter from Magabe for 5000 gp, half in advance. Scythe will stay behind with Grellian and start work with her.
  6. In order to accept advance payment from Grellian Ptumash's employer, GMI opens an account with the Mizzen Island Bank. In order to open an account as a corporation, they must register their boat, which they do, paying a year's fee of 5 gp for thier 50 ton vessel, and registering it under the name of Loose Lips, with captain Heraklese and registered agent Mizzen Island Bank.
  7. GMI uses its Mizzen Island account to receive 2500 gp from their own Olympian Account, and another 2500 gp from Grellian's employer. They extract this gold in cash, 50kg of gold pieces, and carry it to Loose Lips.
  8. Jessica and Stanley agree to come along on the trip to Magabe. All sailors get 10 gp/day danger pay for the duration of the trip.

2nd April 2478

  1. Attendance: 27-MAR-08 Chris, Kirsten, Matt, Kevan, 62 Dalton Road
  2. In this session we agree to have Scythe separate from GMI and work with Grellian Ptumash for her employer.

31st March 2478

  1. Attendance: 12-MAR-08 Chris, Kirsten, Julian, Kevan, 62 Dalton Road.
  2. Note that sailors salaries have not been paid since 10th January. Must go to Mizzen Island and arrange transfers into their bank accounts. Pay for 10th January to 10th March was 100 gp each per month, making 400 gp per month in all, and 800 gp total for that period. But on 3rd March, Heraklese dropped Jessica and Stanley's salaries to 50 gp per month starting 10th March while leaving Sallina and Garibaldi's salaries the same, as described here. Monthly salaries from 10th March onwards are: Sallina 100 gp, Garibaldi 100 gp, Jessica 50 gp, Stanley 50 gp, making 300 gp per month.
  3. GMI distributes the 7000 gp paid to them by Dreadmanifold as follows: 1200 gp to Jack Pulrusset, 5800 gp to GMI. Jack buys a 12% stake in GMI for 2000 gp, of which he pays 1200 gp as his share of the 7000 gp, and the remaining 800 gp is on credit.
  4. Take 400 gp out of strong box to pay for 4 months frugal living (10 gp/mo) for 10 people (Jessica, Stanley, Sallina, Garibaldi, Wicklow, Scythe, Hocus, Martha, Heraklese, and Bonita). We assumed that Jack paid for his expenses during that time, but from now on he will be on the GMI account.
  5. After settling accounts, GMI assets are now 23,440 gp. Hocus, Wicklow, Scythe, and Jack all have 11,500 xp, putting them at 8th level. Martha has 14,200 xp, also 8th level. Bonita is 2nd level with 200 xp. Heraklese is 4th with 1600 xp. Sallina and Garibaldi are 10th with 27kxp.

24th March 2478

  1. Attendance: 28-JAN-08 Chris, Kirsten, Julian, Kevan, 62 Dalton Road.
  2. Duke of Plantinak and Dreadmanifold sign an agreement. Duke makes Dreadmanifold the Earl of Swamp Bottom in Delia County. Bragash and his tribe will come and live at Swamp Bottom. All the game and farmland in the eighty square kilometers (20,000 acres, 8000 hectares) of the estate are available to the orcs as sources of income and food. Dreadmanifold will not live on the estate. He makes a separate deal with Lee-Wam to take over Rocky Hill and manage its hellspawn and the maimed dragon. Dreadmanifold pays 7000 gp into the GMI Three Aces account.
  3. Award 1700 xp each to Hocus, Wicklow, Jack, and Scythe.
  4. Award 500 xp to Heraklese for his entire involvement in the Tankum Island adventures (compare to roughly 4000 xp awarded to the HSW.
  5. Award 200 xp to Bonita, raising her to al=2.
  6. Award no further experience to Martha Howard. She received 1500 xp in Mizzen Island.

23th March 2478

  1. Attendance: 17-NOV-07 Chris, Kirsten, Kevan, 62 Dalton Road.
  2. Discuss medical care on Clarus. Naturally-occuring medicines that the wizard of Rocky Hill could grow and supply to Delia: asperin, digitalis, quinine, aloe, penicillin. Delia has a good hospital. One space bridge to Olympia per 1000 people. In Delia, the bridge-carrier is a physician. There are ten in the city. They are supported by another twenty nurses, each of whom may be on the road to becoming a physician, or may remain a nurse.

23rd March 2478

  1. Attendance: 31-JUL-07 Chris, Kirsten, Julian, Kevan, 62 Dalton Road.
  2. Discuss time-travelers. Conclude that time-travelers would hesitate to have children. It would be one thing to accept your own ill fate, but to accept the ill fate of your own children would be impossible.

22nd March 2478

  1. Attendance: 22-MAY-07 Chris, Kirsten, Julian, Keavn, 12 Alden Road.

21st March 2478

  1. Attendance: 08-MAY-07 Chris, Kirsten, Julian, Keavn, 12 Alden Road.

20th March 2478

  1. Attendance: 30-APR-07 Chris, Kirsten, Julian, Kevan, 12 Alden Road.
  2. Moon was new 1st March 2478, full on 15th, gibbous on 22nd. On 20th moon rises at 10 pm.
  3. Grissam is paying for GMI's rooms and meals at the Unicorn Tavern. Duke said GMI could stay there at his expense for a week.

18th March 2478

  1. Attendance: 17-APR-07 Chris, Kirsten, Julian, Kevan, 12 Alden Road.
  2. Make crude map of Magwash County with Swamp Bottom. It's good enough for now, but would like a better one in the end.

17th March 2478

  1. Attendance: 08-FEB-07 Chris, Kirsten, Kevan, Julian, 12 Alden Road.
  • We hold the data of the Tankum Island and Loose Lips party to 17th March. The date for the party on the Surprize is 6th March.
  • 17th March 2478

    1. Attendance: 08-FEB-07 Chris, Kirsten, Kevan, Julian, 12 Alden Road.
    2. We hold the data of the Tankum Island and Loose Lips party to 17th March. The date for the party on the Surprize is 6th March.

    17th March 2478

    1. Attendance: 26-JAN-06 Chris, Kirsten, Kevan, Julian, 12 Alden Road.
    2. We hold the date of the Tankum Island and Loose Lips party to 17th March. The date for the group on the Surprize is 4th March, the day after the battle with the Shark.
    3. Net bridges cost ≈$1000/month. Telegram company pays for a net bridge and can send telegrams to other cities. Bonita sent telegrams while in Mizzen to her parents. Sallina and Garibaldi sent letters and telegrams to their children.
    4. Summoning agencies: Jack AAA rated *, Martha ACME rated **, GMI 3 Aces rated *** (highest rating). Next agency name will be ATLAS.

    11th March 2478

    1. Attendance: 13-JAN-07 Chris, Kirsten, Kevan, Julian, 12 Alden Road.
    2. Scythe's fight with Permisso's adopted mother Tamaka.
    3. Bring the Cosmos to pick up pirates from Tankum Island. Bragash pays them 3500 gp in jewelry and cash confiscated from the pirates. The strong box in Loose Lips now contains 4070 gp.
    4. Sailors have not yet been paid: they did not have time to arrange the banking in Mizzen.
    5. Award 1500 xp each to Martha, Scythe, and Hocus.

    10th March 2478

    1. Attendance: 20-DEC-06 Chris, Kirsten, Kevan, Julian, 12 Alden Road.
    2. Dreadmanifold will be coming back through the Jamchelk conjunction on the 24th March. He expects to be at the village on 28th March. After a few days, he'll either come to Plantinak or to Tankum.
    3. Decide that Clarus's equator is very hot, 5°C hotter than Earth's. The winds die frequently for extended doldrums. The boat journey around the southern tip of the continent can take anything from three months to a year. The caravan route across the desert is more reliable and quicker.

    8th March 2478

    1. Attendance: 21-NOV-06 Chris, Kirsten, Kevan, Julian, 12 Alden Road.
    2. Bonita was given 100 gp (30 gp in gold and 70 gp in diamonds) by her father when she embarked upon this crazy adventure. She has been reporting back to her parents by dictating letters to Reprobatum (Dalian Krass's nephew).
    3. New varieties of demon: water elemental, air elemental, fire elemental. Stephanix could be called a sand elemental. The water elemental binds water with conjured matter, and so on.
    4. To Do: Still have not updated adventurers' characteristics and proficiencies to account for seventh level. Should do that at the beginning of the next session, to make sure they are ready for any fights in Mizzen.
    5. To Do: Pay the sailors. They are paid up to 10th February. Heraklese has negotiated another contract with them. Jessica and Stanley take a cut in pay, because they are not made of the same stuff as Garibaldi and Sallina. $5,000 per month for Jessica and Stanley, plus room and board paid on ship. $10,000 per month for Sallina and Garibaldi, plus room and board paid on ship.

    3rd March 2478

    1. Attendance: 02-NOV-06 Chris, Kirsten, Kevan, Julian, 12 Alden Road.
    2. Discussion of Demons: Conclude that the demon intelligence cannot function without an objective. The objective manifests itself as the pursuit of pleasure. In Stephanix's case, his sources of pleasure are petting by his master, satisfaction of curiosity, resting, fighting, and immersion in slow maeons. By satisfation of curiosity we mean the discovery of a predictive pattern in the observations he has made. By resting we mean staying still and allowing maeons to re-charge his muscles. Slow maeons re-charge his muscles ten times more quickly than fast maeons. The easiest source of slow maeons is a pile of gold, or a wizard's conjuring wand. He can feel slow maeons like we feel warmth. He can detect gold through a brick wall.

    2nd March 2478

    1. Attendance: 06-OCT-06 Chris, Kirsten, Kevan, Julian, 12 Alden Road.
    2. Julian plays the Wizard Captain of the Shark.
    3. Award Wicklow and Jack 1500 xp each, in anticipation of a 1500 gp share of prize money on the Shark, its cargo, and the posessions of the captured pirates.
    4. Jack is not a paid employee of GMI. He is an unpaid employee who gets all his expenses paid by the company while he works with them, and receives his share of such things as the prize money, to keep as his own. Wicklow's share of the prize money, meanwhile, will go into the GMI coffers.
    5. We note that the Duke was down from 20 dp to 7 dp by the end of the battle, and the Captain was down from 10 dp to 3 dp.

    2nd March 2478

    1. Attendance: 25-SEP-06 Chris, Kirsten, Kevan, Julian 12 Alden Road.
    2. Julian plays the Wizard Captain of the Shark.

    2nd March 2478

    1. Attendance: 30-AUG-06 Chris, Kirsten, Kevan, Julian 12 Alden Road.
    2. Julian plays the Wizard Captain of the Shark.
    3. Chris and Kirsten play Duke Plantinak of the Surprize.
    4. Kevan and Julian exchange a fe secret notes by instant messaging across the dining room table before his battery runs out.
    5. Julian provides drawing of Amahte's conjured bench.

    2nd March 2478

    1. Attendance: 05-AUG-06 Chris, Kirsten, Kevan, 12 Alden Road, and Julian by video link from San Francisco.
    2. Julian plays the Wizard Captain of the Shark, whose name is Amahte, after receiving background from Kevan.
    3. Chris and Kirsten play Duke Plantinak, planning his attack upon the Shark.
    4. Kevan and Julian exchange secret notes by instant messaging.

    18th February 2478

    13th February 2478

    11th February 2478

    10th February 2478

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    9th January 2478

    8th January 2478

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    17th December 2477

    17th December 2477

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    16th December 2477

    16th December 2477

    15th December 2477

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    10th November 2477

    9th November 2477

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    15th August 2477

    11th July 2477

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    1st April 2477